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The patented THUNDER GUN utilities a unique vertical barrel design with a 360° rotating outlet to rid large areas from unwanted birds.

The light weight simple design folds easily and totally eliminates blowing over problems.

The solid state control box is powered by solar and lithium batteries so no more changing batteries.

Utilizing a controlled LPG explosion the device produces highly effective shock wave, rid your Fields, Vineyards, Orchards and buildings of crop and financial destruction from birds and other unwanted pests.

Let the THUNDER GUN Bird scarer by Avain Solutions protect your crop 7 days a week.


Please note: All prices are GST exclusive. GST will be added during checkout.

  • Specifications

    Weight - 11.8kg Without gas bottle
    Size Folded - 1230mm x 500mm x 270mm
    Size Extended - 1970mm H x 1350mm W
    Battery - 12v 6ah Li-ion
    Sound - Approximately 120 dB(A) fast when measured 
       perpendicular to the end of the barrel at 1 meters
    Coverage - 4-5 hectares.
    Gas Usage - Approximately 9kg in 6 weeks on the highest
    Clock Battery Life - 5-7 Years


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